content=pet,pets,animal,animals,free,advice,help,tips,pro" /> ""

Save them! Don't kill pound dogs. Email governor mayor. Say yes to dog farms not kill pounds. Use vacant fed properties land buildings can use for these dogs and cats and transfer them to now to save them all! Run Spay neuter clinics weekly for poor. Train! Walk pits,etc. 2x/day. Let friendlies out in corral to play run..Don't cage 23)24 hours a day. Cruel. Pups,young need exercise. Endorse programs: seniors for seniors,pits for vets, depressed, prisoners who train free in prisons and give to first responders with PTSD free and police department for search and rescue drug sniffing...

Save a life! Make shelter dog an assistance one




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Unusual buds

Unusual buds
dog and exotic cat


Showing posts with label rescue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rescue. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Killing many dogs

"All creatures great and small,God made them all!" -the Bible in pounds in CA,TX,FL,NC,LS especially. Stop private breeding,spay neuter free weekly for poor,limit animals people can have,enforce are fixed,allow pet friendly housing as security enough and building dog,cat sanctuaries in each state. is the answer instead of killing in these death houses. Our tax dollars are going to exterminate our nation's pets. this is absolutely horrible. if agree,share this. go fund me to open sanctuary in TX,CA. Need help from other Sanctuaries operating effectively like the asher house,yaqui,give to,best friends,also donate to,n. shore. also support.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Olympic skier and..

"All creatures great and small,God made them all!" -the Bible,,20778965_20786704,00.html

silver medalist plans on adopting mamma dog and her pups,all strays at Sochi. Let's hope they get thru customs!

thousands of strays were rounded up to be killed prior to Olympics but are being saved by billionaire there and supporters.  Economy there bad and peope suffering and leaving dogs behind to streets to fend alone.  doing better with Olympics on as people about with hearts but after what then?

**Update!**  Ken's trip home delayed so can go home with strays.  Canadians bringing back some dogs too.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Diamond collar is new show on OWN,,

"All creatures great and small,God made them all!" -the Bible

love it and wish them  well. they groom and rescue animals. former mobster is married to grooming salon owner.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Flying Ducks In Washington ..

"All creatures great and small,God made them all!" -the Bible

If this story doesn't cheer you up, nothing will! Man rescues ducklings stranded on ledge while mother duck waits below, watching. How amazing is that?!?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

'Hotel for Dogs' now on DVD..

'dog fan'
"All creatures great and small,God made them all!" -the Bible

Maybe you could even get it for FREE if you read how this blogger did it!
Seems like a nice family movie, you don't mind watching with your kids as it isn't Barney! I am an animal-lover so count me in. See FREE clip now.

Cairo's Bears..

Cairo's Bears..
Both art and real..

Youth Fair

Youth Fair
by Artzstuf

Watch your Pets' diet too

Watch your Pets' diet too
as well as your own!