content=pet,pets,animal,animals,free,advice,help,tips,pro" /> ""

Save them! Don't kill pound dogs. Email governor mayor. Say yes to dog farms not kill pounds. Use vacant fed properties land buildings can use for these dogs and cats and transfer them to now to save them all! Run Spay neuter clinics weekly for poor. Train! Walk pits,etc. 2x/day. Let friendlies out in corral to play run..Don't cage 23)24 hours a day. Cruel. Pups,young need exercise. Endorse programs: seniors for seniors,pits for vets, depressed, prisoners who train free in prisons and give to first responders with PTSD free and police department for search and rescue drug sniffing...

Save a life! Make shelter dog an assistance one




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Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Shelters rationalize why kill...

"All creatures great and small,God made them all!" -the Bible

Why kill pounds kill... They have to accept all animals as contracted to do so. This being said is the why! Many are too far gone to be saved sadly! Are: owner surrenders. Owners requests they be killed! Are very ill,injured terribly,very old,viscious. Don't have facilities to train to degree needed to reverse if guard dog or fight dog for instance for years! If easy going,healthy,young,cute and not out of time,can be adopted easier. If overcrowded which many are now,after 3 days start killing. Is not Euthanasia as that is reserved for beyond hope cases, call it by its proper name...this is murder! If ok with you ignore my post,eat a sand wich and move on...Many can rationalize anything in the name of mercy. I can not. Out of room!? Build another space. Abused, neglected traumatized untrained unsocialized unhousebroken reactive!???? Train! Use prisoners in prisons program. Train free. Clean cages as work program! Do everything can before kill! I am funny that way but I am not a quitter. If you aren't either,demand justice for the dog,cat in the cage whose life is at risk today!! Share this post. Sharing is caring. Sharing saves lives!! Agree? Email your governor mayor and say enough! I want my state to be No kill! Like NH, VT,MD. If they can do it ..why can't we?!! The rest...Especially top killers...CA,very wealthy here. .. support your dogs!! TX..have oil barons with wells...ranchers,ranches,very wealthy...what about giving to your dogs!!???? Houston has the most strays. Mayor wake up!! NC, prisoners clean cages...Kill alot though still. FL..TAILS prison program but not enough. Still kill too many. LS...kill a lot!! Outlaw animal abuse which is on the rise. Pet dumping is a crime!! Leave your dog tied to bridge. WTF!!??? Thanks for your time. And..God bless us all. TNR cats nationally and feed water shelter monitor with drones for safety and spay neuter weekly poor people's pets and cut down on reproducing killing of unwanted animals nationally! Thanks. Share post if agree. Directors,CEO are quick to defend their stance on why kill and not do everything possible to save the animals animal

 control is bringing in from cruel streets or owners dumping them in kill shelters as don't want. Is great get off streets but can and need to do much more!! I unlike

 many do not just complain out and do nothing. I actually know of and have offered sound advice to shelter reform of these pounds funded by

 state,towns,cities,counties. They call themselves shelters. Shelters implies a protection from the storms of life. If killing healthy,if sick,treatable

 easily,young beautiful,friendly,nice animals due to space,been there a while and stressed in cage with barking dogs constantly,offer no training for,take in all 

animals even without rehoming fee from person with 3,good job,don't help those who want to keep but can't afford pets due to inflation,have to move as

 income less,etc.,don't offer pet friendly housing,help by talking to landlord so can keep pet in no pet buildings,not doing job! Many if have challenges

 could get Dr. note and say emotional assistance animal. Landlord has to accept even if a pit bull not on their insurance policy! Shelters have lawyers.

If cared to, could consult to keep families who love and care for pets together even if low income! What is better? Killing a pup at 3 months for

 space or offering low cost spay,neuter,shots,free pet food to poor person who loves pet with a spinal injury and chronic pain,etc. who has had

 several pets and provides for. Despite,feeds,waters,shelters but when 10-16 when gets older and ill and can't afford care beyond basic,has

 euthanized as suffering or body gave out, shut down at shelter cheaply?!? Some here say if can't afford,shouldn't have pet. I can say,my pets and dog had

 that passed 2 summers ago at almost 16,was always cared for and very loved. Towards end,I could not afford to spend thousands of dollars to maybe save her.

 My vet didn't want her operated on either! I think she had a great life. I got her training from experienced trainer by kennel owner, so a good canine citizen. 

 I also got Dr. note saying my assistance animal. Because did this,despite the actions of landlords,neighbors due to breed and scared of her though

 nice,friendly,they could not evict her or me!! I am not saying abuse the privilege like some do having pot bellied pigs,ostriches as service animals and

 demand to get on planes,alienating, disregarding needs of others. What am saying,if dog trained,handled,one has every right to have any breed wants

regardless of the fears,desires of others. I think if more people did this,or start doing this with challenges,they could save dog,s have and ones in kill

 shelters! Shelter directors,CEO's,(making $400,000/year while staff is getting minimum wage,doing for pets,needs to take a pay cut to match

 the times and fact are non profit) managers,etc. need to move beyond their egos,biz as usual and remain open to new ideas,especially the ones

 that can save the lives of dogs put on kill lists as suffering as not exercised,helped calm and redirect with training. Free training available from

 pits for prisoners in prisons across the USA. to death row dogs only! Trainer there picks out 12-15 dogs willing to work with. He oversees prisoners who

 train and every 2 months are given to first responders with PTSD for free. Process repeats. In one prison,shelter,in year save 90 Networking Apple Valley Animal Shelter Dogs - Volunteer Page  

Animal Shelter Dogs -Instead of the needle of death and thrown in the trash...large bag like garbage,their dignity is restored. They

 are given a life of purpose where are cherished. I believe program would change the minds of many afraid of pit bulls and other dogs with strong jaws

 like rottweilers due to the irresponsible actions of a few owners not training,handling dogs have with no regard for others. All getting dogs from

 shelters should know who are getting as some return in 2!days after pit bites new owner through glove when grabbed something near where dog eating. Most

 dogs coming into shelter even before thrown in cage where can barely move,are traumatized either from owners or from being out in street. 

Some throw rocks,shoot at,are starving,freezing,hit by cars,are attacked,raped, impregnated by other dogs. 

On east coast in upstate NY,Albany area where I am at,is freezing. Very windy,wind chill making it -2 degrees now at 7:36 pm,sun down. If see pet

 outside,please offer temp help as will die and freeze to death! God bless all pets in streets tonight and those here who do God's work.

'dont tire of doing good..:

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