content=pet,pets,animal,animals,free,advice,help,tips,pro" /> ""

Save them! Don't kill pound dogs. Email governor mayor. Say yes to dog farms not kill pounds. Use vacant fed properties land buildings can use for these dogs and cats and transfer them to now to save them all! Run Spay neuter clinics weekly for poor. Train! Walk pits,etc. 2x/day. Let friendlies out in corral to play run..Don't cage 23)24 hours a day. Cruel. Pups,young need exercise. Endorse programs: seniors for seniors,pits for vets, depressed, prisoners who train free in prisons and give to first responders with PTSD free and police department for search and rescue drug sniffing...

Save a life! Make shelter dog an assistance one




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Unusual buds

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Saturday, December 24, 2022

NYC shelters,stop killing!

"All creatures great and small,God made them all!" -the Bible

Dogs,cats,pups,kittens by dosing with Trazadone 2x. Are finding  animals dead in cages after and keep doing it!! Healthy,you ng,nice animals stressed being

 there is why given. Stressed as caged,not walked,sitting in filth,away from homes,people new,scared,not fed,watered properly,sitting on cold steel floors in low

 heat areas. CEO of shelters make nice $. Staff overworked, underpaid to burnt out. Kennel cough, respiratory infections run rampant. Most animals should never even

 be there!! Give elder dogs to seniors free. Go to senior centers. Speak to directors. Many lonely people would love dog, cat for company!

When animal lost,found should not go to kill shelter but a holding area. Hold a week and then place no 3 days and then may kill.
Is horrid. The killing needs to stop. All

 pups,kitties,mamma's should go to rescues,1-5 year olds,healthy,nice should go there too. Pets with medical conditions can go to special needs shelters. Kill shelters last resort!!

1 comment:

  1. Ones deemed behavioral as stressed from being caged,give to rescues who work with them so can be placed!!


SAy what you will, my dog reads the mail, not me! SPAM,LINKS TO WEBSITES DELETED.

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